How to Beat the Holiday Stress as a Female Businessperson

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Bells will be ringing, and carolers will be singing.

There’ll be much mistletoeing, and hearts will be glowing while your loved ones are near. Can’t you almost smell the warm aroma of chestnuts roasting on the open fire?


You snap to your senses and remember how hectic the holiday season really is. It’s a mad rush of fitting in shopping, baking, present wrapping, visiting friends and families, and holiday trips into your already busy work and personal schedule.

Not to mention tidying up after each round of company exits your door! Were they raised in a barn?!

It’s enough to make a person want to cancel the holidays! Who even eats chestnuts for the holidays, anyway?

Add your eCommerce side hustle, and you might be ready to blow a gasket. But don’t! We have some tricks of the trade to help you feel that euphoric vacation sensation that makes the holidays special—more rejuvenation, less devastation.


Streamline. Pare down. Prioritize. In other words, cut your to-do list down to the bare necessities.

Being the boss of your profitable dropshipping niche comes with unbelievable flexibility. The flip side of that superpower is greater responsibility. Boss babes must learn to manage their commitments to maximize their flexibility.

All the holiday extras can’t happen with your already busy schedule. Take a good, hard look at your obligations. Try to cut the things that don’t add much value to your life or business. Simplify some duties and delay others until after the holidays.

For example, you could email holiday greetings instead of hand-addressing dozens of cards? Does your local grocery store do pickups so that you save time shopping and checking out? Can lunch with girlfriends wait until after the busy holidays?

Give those long-held traditions the once-over to see what you can minimize. Do you really need mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes at Thanksgiving? Must pies be completely homemade? Delegate a few dishes or duties to family and friends.

Communicate Your Boundaries

Schedules get packed during the holiday season. Online shoppers looking to buy presents conveniently will flock to your e-commerce site. You’re going to be busy.

Figure out an order-no-later-than date for your customers that includes shipping deadlines. Post that information to your website so customers know what to expect. If you choose, you can delay shipments the week of Christmas to set aside for your family and holiday enjoyment. You have that power.

Let family members know they’ll clean up after themselves, especially if they spend multiple days and nights with you. Hand the toilet bowl cleaner to them and take a load off.

Establish what you’re willing and not willing to do. Be sure to communicate those boundaries out loud to others.

Look in the Mirror

This tip might sound strange, but…

When you get that tight feeling in your throat like you’re drowning in your to-do list…

Or, you aren’t enjoying your time with loved ones because you’re anxious to check on your online business…

Get away from everybody and find somewhere (like a bathroom) to look in the mirror. Then, do these three things:

  1. Smile. Smiling triggers feel-good hormones that will naturally make you happier and more relaxed.
  2. Breathe deeply. Take several deep breaths through your nose, letting your lungs and stomach expand. Fully exhale out through your mouth. Repeat. Doing so calms the nervous system’s fight-or-flight response. Deep breaths are a sign to your body that you aren’t in harm’s way. It helps you turn on a relaxation response.
  3. Practice thankfulness. Think (even whisper) five to ten things you’re grateful for. Fear and gratitude can’t co-exist. Feel free to take this further and journal your gratitude every morning or night.

Plan a Staycation

Give yourself a personal or mental day. If you love shopping, take a day to shop. If there’s a movie you’ve been waiting to see or a book you’ve been wanting to read, use that day to get lost in those things. Have this day to yourself. Write it on your calendar and let everyone know you’re out of the office that day.

***Helpful Hint: Create an “Out of Office” response in your email account so everyone knows they can expect nothing of you during your time away. If you employ others, consider letting them have a mental day, too.***

Celebrate Your Success

Likely, you’re an incredible businesswoman because you constantly look ahead and try to reach new heights and benchmarks. That will help you achieve extraordinary results in life. However, the downside is that you often forget to recognize where you’ve come from and celebrate your victories.

Take some time to reflect on the past year. Here’s a toast to you for everything you’ve accomplished—all the stepping stones in your path that looked dangerous, but you conquered them anyway. Way to slay!


How to Beat the Holiday Stress as a Female Businessperson