EB Hall of Fame

Do you have what it takes?

Are You The Next Millionaire Babe?

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Join the ranks of eCom Babes highest performers!

Celebrating Women Who Lead the Way

Celebrating Women Who Lead the Way...

Growing up, Chelsey didn’t have much. She lived in Vietnam and her family was really poor. So poor that her dad had to go into the jungle to chop off bamboo and wood, just to build her home. Chelsey didn’t even get a chance to finish Grade 5. But that didn’t stop her. She taught herself to read and write English, started looking into selling things online, came across eCom Babes and finally… became a Millionaire Babe.

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Hall of Fame Today!

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Do you have what it takes?

Join the 1k Club
Successfully generated your first $1000 with your eCommerce store? It's time to celebrate! Apply for the 1k Club Today.
Join the 10k Club
Generated 10k with your eCommerce store? You are CRUSHING IT! Apply for the 10k Club today.
100k Club
Generating 100k with your eCommerce store? Babe, thats amazing! Celebrate by applying for the 100k Club today.
Millionaire Babe Award
You are officially a Millionaire Babe - ready for all the perks? Apply for the Millionaire Babe Award today.
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